Demanding that Tommy Robinson and the EDL hold white rapists to the same scrutiny as Muslim immigrant rapists is a political standard which no movement or person I can think of holds themselves to.
When Black Lives Matter are asked why they don’t talk about police brutality in a non-racial way, or why they don’t use the label All Lives Matter instead, the counterargument is always that police brutality and discrimination against Black people is a particularly bad problem and that is why they focus on it.
When Feminists are asked why they don’t talk as much about female on male domestic violence or sexual harassment the answer is that they consider the male on female violence to be a bigger issue.
We all have our own political issues which we tend to focus on and when we are called out for our un-egalitarianism we reply with the fact that we can’t be tackling every issue at once and this happens to be one we feel strongly about.
Few people question the idea that a black women might want to focus on issues that affect black people, so why is it so wrong for Tommy Robinson and his friends to focus on issues that affect their fellow country women?
Oh, and another thing, on this subject.
It doesn’t come from a desire for an end to honour killings, acid attacks and female slavery, it comes from very angry, very racist hatred of the ‘other’. They don’t argue for stricter punishment for acid attackers, they argue for the deportation of Pakistanis. They don’t argue for Salafi women to be given police protection from abusive family/spouses after leaving abusive marriages, they argue for hanging to be brought back in relation to Islamic murders. They don’t argue for longer sentences for child groomers, just for less immigration from Central Asia. It’s transparent.
Don’t you think that this sounds like saying it is hateful to say that you don’t want stronger punishments for racists, you want better education so there are less racists, or that it is wrong to suggest you don’t want police to be punished when they abuse their power, you would prefer that they are fired from their departments?