From my experience of reading both non-white people and white people discuss the topic of colonialism and it’s legacy, there are two distinct schools of thought.
For the white people online who take the Colonels view, they see the mass migration of non-white people into Europe and America, and the violence in South Africa as proof that the “other” is already trying to reverse the oppressor/oppressed role.
While for many non-white people online, they view the wealth and space that the West enjoys as being at least partly unfairly gained by colonialism, and so they view their insistence on a slice of the pie as not being an attempt to seize power, but simply an equitable and justified rebalance of what was taken from them.
I tend to side more with the first position (but then I am white) but really the disagreement boils down, at least as I see it, to whether the Wests wealth is ill-gotten, and if it is, whether it is right to redistribute it.