I am writing this on my phone, and I only found out about this article listening to School of Movies Guardians vol 2 podcast so this reply may be to late for anyone to see it, but I have seen a lot of people have your perspective on the correct attitude toward American politics nowadays and I wanted to share my thoughts. I really do not understand some of the specific ways progressives frame the mythical archetypes represented in Trumps election. Donald Trump was a complete outsider who stormed the fortifications of the media and political class with his ragtag band of fanatical internet savvy trolls, forgotten rural Americans, and ideologicaly driven extremists. Now depending on whether you are pro or anti there are two obvious ways these events could be interpreted through tropes. On the one hand an imperfect and egotistical anti-hero leading an unlikely band of rebels to bring down a truly corrupt cabal of criminal elites and strive to recapture the glory of their past, or if you take the opposite view, a hateful tyrant seizing power through manipulation and greed, who uses the flaws in society as an excuse to reshape it in his image and therefore, into something even worse. Now the reason why I bring this up is because whether you hate Trump or love him I would hope that most people agree with me in that he is a revolutionary. The difference in perspective should come in whether he is a leader of the American revolution, fighting a corrupt power, or a leader of the Iranian revolution, seeking to turn back the clock on progress and revert back to totalitarian fundamentalism. I feel like this is important because you, (and a lot of other people who hold positions similar to yours). Seem to need to portray yourselves as a plucky rag tag band of misfits fighting the establishment even when it doesn’t apply. Now that Donald has won the presidency the motif is admittedly more appropriate, but left-wing politics still dominate in, TV, News, Movies, Journalism, the Deep-State, Articles like this one, and at least half the country. Now none of that in any way automatically invalidates those positions or makes them wrong, but in the article you conflate anti-Trumpers with Superheros. A class of people consistently maligned and lied about, who always bring the fight to those in positions of authority, who want people to be safe even when some might say that in trying to enforce safety they do more harm than good. (border security, hmm?) Who plant themselves like trees even when the whole world seems to be telling them to move. Who try and fight evil even when others say that they are more to blame. (Sokovia accords, media reaction to anti-islam sentiment). Now the analogy is not perfect and obviously I was just trying to do what I accused you of doing to prove a point, but I hope you understand the point I am trying to get across here. If you do actually end up reading this and you feel I misrepresented or misunderstood you I would be happy to rethink my positions.