I feel as if you are inadvertently trying to hold two contradictory beliefs at the same time.
I have nothing but contempt for the victim-blaming of the Conservative GOP and their lapdog, the NRA who want to tell you how oppressed Trump is, who want to tell you how violent protests have been since he’s been in office. There have been protests against the Great Orange Corrupter-in-Chief but none of them have been violent. If anything, it has been his rhetoric which has managed to incite violence and take no responsibility for doing so. Just like you’re doing with this video.
When I first read this part of your article I was deeply confused. From Berkeley, to Milwaukee, to San Jose, left-wing protests and riots have become drastically more violent over the past year or so. Then I realised that you must be making a clear distinction between left-wing violence generally and a mass protest specifically against President Donald Trump that turned nasty. (There was a protest against ‘candidate’ Trump when he tried to hold a rally in Chicago that undeniably turned violent but I won’t split hairs.)
But I think that if you are not simply trying to make the hard to defend claim that left-wingers have just not been violent, and you are instead basing your ‘no violence’ claim on the distinction I just outlined, then you have to see that that is somewhat disingenuous. When young conservatives wearing red hats hold a free speech rally, or shout and shove Berkeley protestors, or someone starts shouting at a Muslim women, those people were not part of an official pro Donald Trump event and yet only an idiot would say they were unconnected to the man.
Likewise when a crowd of Mexicans egg a woman while she is pinned against a glass door, or when black clad Antifa members storm Berkeley in a wave of violence it is similarly connected. (edit)Which is why it is hard for me not to see the NRA’s fear mongering as being justified(edit)
I hate to finish with a cry of hypocrisy, as hypocrisy has became a cancerous stain on political discourse, with everyone on both sides both being extremely hypocritical and accusing their opponents of being the only hypocrites, but I when you said this, I had to respond.
Who in the hell praises dictators? Why is this even a thing in our leadership?