I inevitably find the point in your articles hard to find, but I think that what you are saying here is that the psychological processes which lead to war are a uniquely Western creation. What intellectually bankrupt garbage! Long before the religous and philosophical roots of Western civilisation were formed in ancient Israel, Greece, and Rome, human beings were violently slaughtering each other. And the idea that violence inherently comes from a feeling of superiority is ridiculous! Genocide and violence are often committed by a group who feel they are inferior and weak compared to the group they intend to massacre, and it is this fear and perceived self-weakness which leads them to strike first in desperation.
And what about the people who are on the receiving end of this unjust, ego driven war? If they fight back, as is there unalienable right of self-defense, are they just manifesting their own ego through violence, an attempt to reach an ideal they cannot reach? I think not. They are simply reacting in righteous defense. Your simplistic and stupid way of trying to boil down all human conflict to a manifestation of psychopathic tendencies, means that as Horatius stood alone, defending the city that was his home against overwhelming odds, he was simply manifesting the demons of his messed up psyche. Screw that.