May be it is just my low IQ conservative brain, but I am not quite sure what your overall point is. (other than that people are biased, stuck in their beliefs, and prejudiced, a series of statments I do not disagree with) So I shall take each of your points in turn.
Your reasoning is anecdotal. If there is one point to science it is enforcing an objectivity upon human understanding that our minds unaided are incapable of. Collecting examples is empirically worthless unless you have a baseline: for example negative comments are doubtless made against every ethnicity, so the existence of negative comments against a normalised baseline before you could sensibly claim that they were exceptionally common,
I am not really sure which of my claims you are challenging here, but if I had to guess I think you are debating my claim that white people are attacked in the media and culture generally. Here are some “anecdotal” examples.
If I understand your argument against these examples being used as evidence correctly, you would claim that because all races are subject to racism, hatred, and discrimination, my citing these examples to prove my case that white people are under attack proves nothing. My counter argument is that a political forum being used to call for the silencing of white poeple, a university discussion involving the idea that white peoples lives do not have value, has no comparison when it comes to black people. I could be wrong, and if you have evidence of something comparative I would love to see it.
Cognitive bias plays a huge role in sustaining prejudice. Confirmation bias is just one of many: whereby, for instance, every black convict is a big YES in the ‘blacks are criminals’ box, whereas a white convict is not a big NO. Differential salience is another (crime may relate to poverty not to color, but more black people may be poor — and a person’s color is more clearly visible than their income) — raising the further issue that correlation is not causation.
This part of your example (every black convict is a big YES in the ‘blacks are criminals’ box, whereas a white convict is not a big NO) does not make any sense, if this hypothetical bigots hypothesis is that blacks are all criminals, the presence of white criminals would have no reason to effect his hypothesis at all. And the classic excuse of poverty makes no sense. For the sake of argument lets cede the idea that poverty is the main contributor to criminality not race. Why are blacks poor? Can it all be put down to oppression and past injustice? I hate to pull the Jew card this early in a debate but it is such a good one I can’t resist. Host nations have been openly trying to keep Jews poor since the diaspora, unlike African Americans, with the countless government schemes to lift them out of poverty. Nonetheless, any attempt to keep Jews poor and powerless seems as inevitably doomed to fail as commanding the tide to stop, or the Earth to cease spinning. Everyone has their own theory as to exactly why this is, but a good starting explanation is early marriage, committed work ethic, and focus on intellectual ability. If black adopted these strategies, there is not an openly racist and oppressive force on Earth that could prevent them from reaching the heights of human potential.
Even if black criminality is due to poverty not race, that does not shift the ultimate responsibility for black lack of achievement from their own shoulders one bit.
Here’s one correlation for you: the more educated a person is, the more likely they will have liberal/left views, and a person who holds those views is more likely to have a higher IQ. Now, as a psychology graduate I know IQ to be a very poor measure of intellect, but I get the impression you believe otherwise.
Sadly, I also know that evidence can be a very poor approach to changing people’s minds, and often in fact leads to entrenchment of existing attitudes…
You know what the answer to that is right? That smarter people feel the need to attend higher education, and that higher education is a brain-washing echo-chamber for liberal views, which is why people who attend it tend to become leftist. And a quick look at Antifa, Trigglypuff, and the countless screeching misinformed Milo protestors seem to make the case pretty well.
As for IQ more generally, I suppose we could quibble about whether a high IQ actually means someone is “Wiser” “Smarter” etc…
But the undeniable fact is that countries with a high average IQ tend to have a high standard of living, be richer, and yes, more liberal. For that reason IQ is a very important thing to talk about, and cannot be poo-pooed with a nebulous hand wavey statement that having a high IQ doesn’t really mean you are smart.