That’s like saying even though a lot of people who support BLM are white, and many feminists are men, BLM has nothing to do with black people and their interests, and Feminism has nothing to do with Women or their interests. Both Kagan and Kristol are Jew’s, and prominent Neo-conservatives are extremely likely to be Jewish. Of course I don’t think that being opposed to Neo-cons makes you anti-semitic, in fact neo-conservatism is somewhat of an aberration in American Jewish political opinion. You see just like you, I would say if asked that I was anti Neo-conservatism and not anti-semitic, but even someone like you who doesn’t like the current extreme version of identity politics would probably feel pretty comfortable drawing conclusions about someones racial or religious biases against certain groups, if they were openly and extremely against BLM and thought we should invade Saudi Arabia for no reason. There is nothing inherent in disliking BLM which makes one a racist, but I don’t think there is anything wrong with saying it is an indicator.
I wanted to ask you this question about your beliefs because reading the way you obsessively attack Neo-conservativism in almost every article you write ( not critising, just saying how it looks to me). Without mentioning Jew’s or Israel, makes me think of someone who endlessly criticises the Soviet Union without mentioning Communism, Suicide bombing without Islam, or Western Imperialism without white people. It comes across as disingenuous or misinformed.