The point I was trying to make, was that even if someone was going to follow through on delivering community minded public policies, that in itself is no guarantee that it would be to Umair’s liking.
The reactionary element to the Nazis policies, was not a rejection of socialism and its high minded ideals, but the narrowing of its focus to the national level, and the refusal to believe that a socialist state should be responsible for the wellbeing beyond its borders.
Also, I disagree with the distinction between Authoritarian/Communitarian. The aforementioned Nazi’s were both extremely Authoritarian AND Communitarian. And if you believe that all socialist governments have a Communitarian element the same applies to them as well.
On a final note, I am a believer in the horseshoe theory, but I would like to know exactly what you mean by the reactionaries trashing the world, I couldn’t think of what you meant.