What really fascinates me about articles like this is how accurately they represent the mirror image of Alt-right thinking.
A traditional conservative would look at this unhappy event and see the fact that a black lesbian went above and beyond the call of duty to protect a republican, as a great moment when liberals, and conservatives, could come together and thank the bravery of the security personnel, and be thankful that none of the representatives were killed.
But for someone on the Alt-right, who believes that the time for compromise and understanding with non-whites has long since passed, sees the callous and hateful rhetoric in this article, the obvious bigotry and bile, as just another step on the path to a glorious time in the future, when the hatred and open vilification of whites and conservatives by progressives has reached such a point where every white man and women will have to make a choice.
Between siding with those who hate them, labeling themselves as allies in an obvious subservient and obsequious way, in the vain and futile hope that their black and brown overlords will let them live a while longer.
And unapologetic-ally advocating and fighting for their own interests.
Which is ironically the same call to action you give to your fellow “oppressed” people in this article.