You seem to view the UK and US’s swinging back to nationalism and anti-globalism as being a regression to selfishness and a colonialist mindset, but in my experience those who hold these resurgent nationalist views tend to view colonialism as being an unmitigated disaster.
You say that these country’s are unwilling to admit that it was there own economic tendrils spreading throughout the world which inadvertently created the ethnic diversity they so dislike, but Donald Trump’s more radical supporters at least are well aware of these historical facts.
Progressives often don’t seem to understand that Fascists have always been strongly opposed to, Capitalism, Global trade, Sweatshops, and the philosophy of the white man’s burden which drove much of European colonialism.
You will go to war when we say, for what we say, because we say it. We will stay home, grow rich, fat and happy while you die in our perpetual wars feeding our defense contractors and spreading the American brand, such as it is, around the world getting further ahead of us every day as they understand the secret of success in the 21st century.
The Alt-right Trump supporter would loudly cheer your criticism of America you espouse here, the difference would come with you solution of “Co-operation”. They would view the dangers of exploitation under the guise of aide to be too great too risk following any such co-operative international policy. They view the exploitation of third world country’s and meaningless corporate wars, as being part of the same Globalist strategy which imports cheap foreign labour and undermines the structural integrity of first world nations.
I know that this was a long wordy response to a short and sweet article, but I have seen a lot of progressives seem to fundamentally misunderstand exactly where the new radical right is coming from and I thought I should chip in with my 2 cents.